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Mar 4, 2022

There is only one way to ensure that your Mitsibushi is reliable, fuel-efficient, and safe. By following the Mitsubishi service schedule and factory-recommended maintenance intervals, you will enjoy many miles behind the wheel. Regular maintenance performed by qualified Mitshubishi technicians will give you peace of mind that your vehicle will always get you to your destination.

5 Things to Know About Your Mitsubishi Service Schedule

1. The Importance of the Service Schedule

The service schedule is a guide created by the Mitsubishi manufacturer to assist you in maintaining your vehicle. It contains information on when your Mitsubishi needs a service and the maintenance tasks that need to be performed. It is crucial to adhere to your vehicle’s service schedule to ensure that your Mitsubishi continues to perform at its best. You will find your vehicle’s service schedule is in your owner’s manual.

2. The Factory Recommended Maintenance Intervals

The service schedule contains maintenance intervals when qualified technicians must perform factory-recommended maintenance tasks. These maintenance tasks are recommended by Mitsubishi and are vital to ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly. Every Mitsubishi model has its own service schedule and factory-recommended maintenance intervals. Generally, Mitsubishi maintenance intervals are between 7,500 and 10,000 miles. Your owner’s manual contains the maintenance intervals for your specific Mitsubishi model. You can also speak to your Mitsubishi technician for information on the required maintenance intervals and tasks that need to be performed.

3. Maintenance Services

During each maintenance interval, specific maintenance tasks need to be performed. The service schedule contains a list of the required maintenance tasks at each interval. The inspections, fluid checks and corrections, adjustments, and parts replacements must be performed by qualified technicians at the factory-recommended maintenance intervals to ensure that your Mitsubishi continues to run optimally.

4. How Often Your Vehicle Needs Maintenance

How often your vehicle will need servicing will depend on the model you drive, the year, the engine type, and your driving habits. The operating conditions will also determine how often you need maintenance to be performed.

Normal Driving Conditions

The operating conditions influence how often your vehicle will need to be serviced. When you drive your car with care, regularly check the fluid levels, and adhere to the recommended maintenance intervals, less frequent maintenance services will be required.

Severe Driving Conditions

You will have to service your vehicle more frequently if you drive under severe driving conditions. These conditions include driving in heavy traffic, tow heavy loads, and extreme temperatures. If you drive on uneven, dusty, and muddy roads, your car will also require more maintenance.

5. Maintenance Benefits

You will reap many benefits and save money when you follow the service schedule and allow a qualified Mitsubishi technician to perform maintenance services. Your vehicle will be in excellent running condition, saving you money on gas and unexpected repairs. You will have the assurance that your car is reliable, fuel-efficient, safe, and be on the road for longer. The service schedule is there to assist you in maintaining your Mitsubishi to ensure that your car continues to be a pleasure to drive. Contact Auto World Mitsubishi today for a maintenance appointment. Our qualified and experienced Mitsubishi technicians will perform an expert maintenance service to ensure that your vehicle is in tip-top condition.

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